1. BACKGROUND. CARC is a coating system that provides surfaces that are easily and effectively decontaminated after exposure to liquid chemical agents. There are three types of coatings in the CARC system: an epoxy polyamide primer, an aliphatic polyurethane paint (PUP), and epoxy polyamide enamel. Each of the coatings is supplied as a two-component system. When the two components are combined, a terminal reaction begins which makes an impermeable coating.

2. APPLICATION. The surfaces to be coated with CARC must sometimes be stripped. After stripping, the surface must be cleaned of all oils, grease, and water. When the item is ready for coating, the two components are mixed and allowed to stand for a prescribed period. The mixture must then be applied within a given time period known as its “pot life” in order to be effective.

3. WASTE STREAMS. There are several waste streams associated with the application of CARC. The most common examples of waste are: unserviceable CARC components, CARC mixtures with expired pot life, spent thinners and stripping solvents contaminated with CARC, blasting media with dry CARC residue, and empty containers. Each individual waste stream must be handled and disposed differently.

4. ALTERNATIVES. The solvent based CARC systems are being phased out in favor of a water-dispersible (WD) or water based CARC paint system. Below is a table containing National Stock Numbers (NSNs) for the new WD CARC. There is at least one manufacturer with a GSA approved WD CARC paint touch-up system (This is not an endorsement, just a statement of availability). For more information regarding the touch-up paint system, please contact USAPHC using the information at the end of this fact sheet.

Read more: Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC)